How to join a meeting in microsoft teams app
How to join a meeting in microsoft teams app

how to join a meeting in microsoft teams app

Get the app by directly navigating to the Microsoft Downloads page and clicking Download for desktop. You can install the Microsoft Teams Desktop app on your computer. If you are planning to Microsoft Teams regularly, then the best option is to install the Teams app instead of using the Web-based app. Once you complete the Sign-up procedure you will see a screen like below:.Follow the on-screen instructions to complete that. Next, you will be prompted to Sign in to your Microsoft account.In this example, we have selected the option For work. Based on your need, you can select any of the three options.Here, you will see a Window titled, How do you want to use Teams?with three options as shown below:.Or you can use your official email as well) (If you already have a Microsoft account, you can use that. Next, enter your email address and click Next.On your browser, navigate to Microsoft website and click Sign up for free.In order to set up Microsoft Teams, first, you need to create a Teams account. In this post, let’s focus on the free version and learn how to set up Microsoft Teams on your computer (Windows). To know more information about the pricing and features, you can check out the official Microsoft website.

how to join a meeting in microsoft teams app

Microsoft Teams is designed for all kinds of groups like government organizations, educational institutions, companies, businesses, and more. How to Add Custom Background Image in Teams Meeting.Join Teams Meeting from Android and iPhone.Join Teams Meeting from Browser (Web App).Join Teams Meeting on Desktop App (Windows and Linux).Step 1: Sign Up or Create Teams Account.

How to join a meeting in microsoft teams app